Dominik Eichenberger
Attorney at Law, Partner
+41 31 326 50 00
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Institute of Financial Services in Zug (Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS in Finance and Accounting)
Member of the Firm since 2001
Admitted to the bar, 2000
Lic. iur. (University of Bern), 1998
Dominik Eichenberger advises and litigates in particular in the following areas of law:
Banking and financial market law
Commercial and corporate law
Contract law
Tenancy and labor law
Family and inheritance law
Administrative law
Construction, zoning and real estate law
Criminal and criminal procedure law
Administrative criminal law
White-collar crime
Road traffic law
Permanent Secretary of the Supervisory Board of the Agreement on the Swiss Banks' Code of Conduct with Regard of the Exercise of Due Diligence (since 2018)
Lecturer at NBW Economic Advanced Training (since 2010)
Lecturer at IFA Higher Professional College for Economy and Information Technology (since 2009)
Lecturer at bwd Educational Center for Economy and Services (since 2006)
Registered with the Attorney Registry of the Canton of Bern
Member of the Bernese Bar Association and of the Swiss Bar Association
Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)
Einfache Regeln für einfache Gesellschaften? – Die Sorgfaltspflichten gemäss VSB 20 bei Geschäftsbeziehungen mit einfachen Gesellschaften (Simple Rules for Simple Partnerships? - The Due Diligence Obligations Pursuant to CDB 20 in Business Relationships with Simple Partnerships), published in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht sowie Umstrukturierungen (Swiss Journal for Corporate and Capital Market Law and Restructuring, GesKR, 1/2023, pages 61 ss.)
Tätigkeitsbericht und Praxis der Aufsichtskommission zur Sorgfaltspflicht der Banken für die Jahre 2017 bis 2022 (Activity Report and Case Law of the Supervisory Board concerning the Due Diligence of Banks in the Years 2017 to 2022), published in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarkrecht (Swiss Review of Business and Financial Market Law, SZW, 5/2022, pages 469 ss).
Die Sanktionen der Aufsichtskommission bei VSB-Verletzungen (The sanctions of the Supervisory Board for violations of the CDB), published in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht sowie Umstrukturierungen (Swiss Journal for Corporate and Capital Market Law and Restructuring, GesKR, 4/2019, pages 591 ss.)
Die Verjährungsregelung der VSB 16 (The statute of limitation of the CDB 16), published in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht sowie Umstrukturierungen (Swiss Journal for Corporate and Capital Market Law and Restructuring, GesKR, 4/2017, pages 441 ss.)
Praxis der Aufsichtskommission zur Sorgfaltspflicht der Banken für die Jahre 2011 bis 2016 (Case Law of the Supervisory Board concerning the Due Diligence of Banks), published in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarkrecht (Swiss Review of Business and Financial Market Law, SZW, 5/2017, pages 676 ss. [Co-Author: Georg Friedli])
Praxis der Aufsichtskommission zur Sorgfaltspflicht der Banken 2005-2010 (Case Law of the Supervisory Board concerning the Due Diligence of Banks), published in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Finanzmarktrecht (Swiss Review of Business and Financial Market Law, SZW, 1/2011, pages 47 ss. [Co-Author: Georg Friedli])
VSB 2008 und Rechtsanwälte/Notare (The Agreement on the Swiss Banks’ Code of Conduct with Regard to the Exercise of Due Diligence 2008 [CDB 2008] and its effects on attorneys/notaries), in: Jusletter of June 29, 2009
Der Begriff des Bagatellfalles in der Vereinbarung über die Standesregeln zur Sorgfaltspflicht der Banken (VSB) (The concept of minor cases ["Bagatellfälle"] according to the Agreement on the Swiss Banks’ Code of Conduct with Regard to the Exercise of Due Diligence [CDB]), published in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (Swiss Review of Business and Financial Market Law,SZW, 6/2008, pages 563 ss. (Co-Author: Georg Friedli)
Praktische Probleme eines Schiedsrichters (Practical Problems when Acting as a Member of an Arbitration Panel); published in: Jusletter of August 26, 2002 as well as in Der Treuhandexperte 5/2002, pages 260 ss. (Co-Author: Georg Friedli)
Fouls vor dem Zivilrichter - Zivilrechtliche Haftung für Spielerunfälle im Fussball und Eishockey (Fouls before the civil courts - Civil liability for Injuries in Soccer and Ice Hockey). This publication was honored in 2001 by the Association Suisse de Droit du Sport (ASDS) with the Prix ASDS 2000.